
Teachers Training Program at Sathya Sai Grama, 7th June 2024

Empowering Educators: Nurturing Values, Enhancing Teaching, Fostering Concentration


If education is meant for social change, then reorientation of teacher education is paramount.


In tune with this, Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust embarked on one of its noble initiatives, “A Teacher’s Training Session” at Sathya Sai Grama Muddenahalli on June 7, 2024.


Educators from over a hundred schools convened to engage in this initiative. Each of these schools was represented by a principal or a teacher.


The teachers are already a part of our morning nutrition program where “SaiSure Ragi Multi Nutrient Health Mix” is combined with the Government sponsored milk to enrich the value & long-term benefits reaching the children.


The event commenced with a warm welcome by Mr. Praveen. There was a brief video providing insights into the various projects conducted by The Annapoorna Trust in the areas of education, healthcare, and nutrition.

Transcendental Meditation Program


The opening session for the day was by esteemed trainers Dr.Rajesh Naithani, Pro Vice Chancellor of Himalayiya University, Dehradun, and Ms. Shruthi on, “Strategies of Fostering Concentration in Children” which was valuable for the educators.


They enlightened the teachers with a simple, yet effective technique called “Transcendental Meditation Program (TMP)” which is a form of silent meditation. Children often struggle with concentration for various reasons. By recognizing this, a detailed explanation was given on how TMP as a tool when implemented in the teaching environment would improve concentration, which is the gateway for effective learning in children.

Practical Breathing exercises mindful practices


The next session was by Mr. Ananth Bhat who practically showcased the potential of breathing exercises to the educators.


Thoughts are an ingrained pattern in us which is challenging. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation and breathing awareness can control thoughts and cultivate a sense of calmness and focus. The children at school can greatly benefit from such practices.


Values Based Education


Arunima Sarkar from Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashana gave an introduction to values-based educational content having a series of volumes customized to teach pre-school, primary, high school & pre-university students.


The core intention of the “Empowering Educators” initiative was to enrich teachers with the vehicles of “Values Based Education (VBE)” and “Effective Teaching Techniques.”


The principles of Values Based Education when integrated with the formal learning system, will transform the children into better human beings, ultimately helping them unravel the true meaning and purpose of life.


Empowering educators translates to better learning outcomes for students, ultimately creating a positive impact on society as a whole.

Nanna Kannu Eye Camp – Shankara Eye Care


We had representatives from Shankara Eye Care explaining the importance of children’s vision.


Discounting a child for not performing well, without considering the possibility of underlying vision issues is a common oversight.


It becomes imperative to look for valuable clues in children like if he/she is sitting close to the board, copying from the neighboring child’s notebook, frequently blinking, etc.


In line with this, an introduction was given to the educators about the “Nanna Kannu” eye camps conducted by Shankar Eye Care which helps in early detection and addressing vision problems in children.


Sports Kit Distribution


Teachers from every school in a Taluk will be handed over with a Sports kit who enroll for meditation techniques, value-based education, health camps in the interest of our future generation. It was a fantastic initiative to promote physical activity among students.


Sadguru’s Speech


Our dear Sadguru graciously blessed the Educators with a Divine Discourse. HE mentioned that God is there in the form of Karuna Roop, Prema Roopa, and Thyaga Roopa. Whoever exhibits these forms is God themselves. Such love is given by The Mother, The Father and next only the Guru/ Acharya alone is capable of giving such love and hence you all are equivalent to God.


Sadguru mentioned about Achariti iti Acharyah – Which translates to “What the teachers do the students follow”, so they set the example. Teachers by their conduct should be an example to the student. For e.g. If the teacher sits and meditates the children will follow.


Sadguru also highlighted Deha Bala, ManoBala, Jana Bala, and most important of all Atma Bala. When we encounter a very difficult situation how we deal with it and how we bear with it depends on how strong our Atma Bala is.


Sadguru concluded the session by emphasizing the importance of nourishing not just the body but also the mind with spiritual thoughts and ideas.


The Day ended with a speech by Sri Narsimha Murthy – Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence and later a visit to the SaiSure facility followed by serving snacks to the Educators.


Overall, it was an eventful day and Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust is looking forward to having more such insightful training Programs for Educators.

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