Our Inspiration
It was the year 2000, when Baba spoke publicly about how pained He was when He read a newspaper article about an impoverished mother who, driven by hunger and desperation, poisoned her children and herself. He then took it upon Himself to feed the villagers in and around Puttaparthi, His hometown. Thus began the Grama Seva movement, a mission to reach out to the countless village-folk, with food and clothes, right at their doorsteps.
It is now our earnest desire to continue this legacy of Baba’s love and message through our work.
Love All, Serve All and Help Ever, Hurt Never – These simple yet profound teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba are our guiding light, inspiration and standard. How much love are we putting in each step of the way? Are we serving every single child from the goodness of our heart? Are we grateful for the opportunity to serve? These are questions we ask of ourselves every moment and strive to answer. My Life is My Message. Love All, Serve All. Service to Man is Service to God.