“Serving Nutrition to 10 million school children every morning”
Serving Students across 25 states and 4 UTs in India
“Serving Morning Nutrition to more than 9 Million Students”
Serving Students across 25 states and 4 UTs in India
“Serving Nutrition to 10 million school children every morning”
Serving Students across 25 states and 4 UTs in India
Let no child go to school hungry ever
What have we done
till now

Today, Annapoorna provides nutrition to over 1,00,00,000 school children every morning across 25 states and 4 Union Territories across India. These children attend government schools, located typically in rural hinterland.
The morning nutrition is in the form of “SaiSure” nutrition supplement added to the milk, presented to the child every morning, after school prayer at the school premises.
This simple service has catalyzed improvements in enrollments, punctuality, mental focus, academic performance and health profile of the child, besides motivating the teachers who were previously teaching to empty stomachs from the morning.
Along the way, we have been fortunate to have many like minded individuals and institutions, including over 600 volunteers, many government officials across India who provide necessary permissions, and corporates who have contributed through employee-volunteering and other means.

Serving 10 Million Government School Children
Stories of those we have
already helped!
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We are always here when
others need help

10,000,000 +

1,000,000,000 +

500,000 +

1,43,000 +

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The true measure of our success is in the lives we touch forever. It is in the love our children…
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