An Epitome of Selfless Service – Sister Monisha Ranjan

It was a day of great loss to the Annapoorna family when Sister Monisha Ranjan merged with Swami on 14th November 2022. Monisha Ranjan was closely associated with Annapoorna Trust and has exhibited a phenomenal quality of selflessness. As the saying goes, ‘True selfless service is an expression of love,’ her love for the Annapoorna beneficiary children was such that, she never left any opportunity to serve them. She even participated in building the infrastructure for the Program. Many a time, her deteriorating health wouldn’t permit outdoor visits, but she would insist that she serve the needy and the poor until her last breath. Such was her strong will to serve!

She truly practiced Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings and followed the principles through her dedicated work in the Trust’s projects. We fondly remember her efforts to meet a large corporate donor during her last days. Despite it being a herculean task and given her health condition, she showed up at the meeting to represent the Annapoorna Trust and sought participation from the corporates. Her work ethics and Integrity are beyond any comparison and hard to emulate.


One can never forget her selfless efforts in setting up the Central Kitchen Infrastructure at Chennai in participation with Danirasa Foundation. Today, several government schoolchildren in Chennai are receiving healthy morning nutrition every single day from this kitchen!


As a mark of remembrance upon request from her parents, morning nutrition was started from Feb. 2023 in a Govt school in Hanur Taluk in Chamarajanagar district. She will forever remain as a guiding force and an inspiration for the Annapoorna family.    

Monisha Ranjan meeting Govt. officials in Tamilnadu on 25th May 2022

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