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Study tour by IIMB students in Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli – 21 June 2017

A group of 140 students at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore visited the Muddenahalli campus to study the free Education and Healthcare models, along with the Annapoorna breakfast Seva programme. This involved a presentation on each of the three programmes, and a guided tour to one of the institutions on the campus. The IIM Students then proceeded to visit one of the Govt Schools – GMHPS, Nandi where they interacted with the children and teachers.


Students interacted with the volunteers and were very appreciative of the selfless service activities carried out. The human resource sustainability and financial sustainability in these models explained during the presentation impressed upon the students and sparked interesting discussions. A productive day indeed, where 140 students were made aware of how free education, free nutrition, and free healthcare, can and should reach every child!

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