
Headmaster & Teachers testimonial on Morning Nutrition Intervention in Shabad Mandal, Ranga Reddy District

Annapoorna Trust in collaboration with AWS InCommunities, is serving Morning Nutrition to 6,600 government school-going children across 62 schools at Shabad, Kandukur, and Yacharam Mandals in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana state. Started in the year 2022 for 5,000 children, this intervention has increased to 6,600 children in the year 2023.


Mr. Sushanth Karanth – Corporate communications manager, and Mr. Dhananjay Rao Ejapu – Regional Manager of Telangana state from Annapoorna Trust, visited the schools in Shabad Mandal. It was an enriching experience to interact with the teachers and the students and get to know them personally about how they feel about the morning nutrition intervention.

Below are the testimonials from headmaster & teachers in their own words expressing their delight for having started community service at their remote location in Telangana.


My name is K Srinivas – Headmaster at ZPHS school, Pothugal village, Shadab Mandal. Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust along with Amazon Incommunities, is providing SaiSure Millet (Ragi) multi nutrient health mix at our schools. It is served to children during the morning short break. As we have noticed, this nutrition being provided to rural children has shown a considerable decline in health issues among children. Also, there is an increase in student attendance. Parents are happy about the fact that nutritious food is being served to their children. To date, no community has come forward to serve at this remote place. AWS InCommunities and Annapoorna Trust are first among all. We thank the Trusts for providing good nutrition which is resulting in children continuing their education.

Good morning, my name is Hanumantu, Headmaster MPPS Shabad Village and Mandal, Harijanawada. I thank Annapoorna Trust and AWS InCommunities for providing chikki, ragi java, and cookies to our students. Mr. K Srinivas – Headmaster at ZPHS school, Pothugal village, Shadab Mandal had played a role in getting our schools enrolled in the project. Generally, children arrive late to school. Post providing chikkis during assembly time, attendance has increased to 80% (More than 57 children out of a total of 72 attend school regularly). Children usually come to school on an empty stomach. In my service for the last 13 years, I have seen students fainting due to hunger or very low nutrition in the morning hours. Now this major problem has been solved by coming together of Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust and AWS InCommunities to serve the children. I wholeheartedly thank you for this initiative.

Good morning to everyone, my name is Ganesh – a teacher at MPPS Shabad Village and Mandal, Harijanawada. I would like to extend my support to Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust and Amazon InCommunities who have joined hands with the Government of Telangana. They have been providing chikkis, biscuits, and ragi java since last year. The children are very happy. We had made an announcement at the school that the chikkis would be provided only during the morning assembly hours.  This resulted in children coming to school regularly on time. During assembly time, there would ideally be 80 to 90% attendance. Post providing chikkis to children, attendance has increased to 100%. There are no latecomers at all. The previous year, school would start at 9 a.m. This year it is 9.30 am. Irrespective of timings, children come to school on time nowadays. We are very happy with this positive development.

The trust’s main motto is, “Let No Child Go To School Hungry, Ever!” I love this quotation. Almost all children belong to local rural communities. These children do not have breakfast at home. Chikki and ragi java have iron (Hb) content. This is beneficial to girl children, especially at this adolescent age. Haemoglobin levels play a vital role in their development. This year in addition to chikkis and ragi java, they are providing biscuits as well which we serve on alternate days. Every third Saturday, there will be a parent-teacher meeting (PTM). We apprised the parents during the meeting about the nutrition provided by Amazon InCommunities and Annapoorna Trust. The parents are delighted about this initiative. Children have shown improvement in their grasping power which has helped in their studies in a positive way. We are again very much thankful to Amazon InCommunities, Annapoorna Trust, and Telangana Government. Thank You.

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