Events Engagement
The purpose of this process is to introduce a defined process for managing various events organised by the Trust.
The Trust shall maintain an events calendar that will capture the event name, place and the date/time of the said event (refer Event Calendar template).
The list will be prepared by the Cluster Leads and will be reviewed and approved by the Trustees. The events calendar must be prepared in the beginning of the calendar year and will be maintained district-wise. The same must be circulated to the schools and volunteers in advance.
Here is the list of events that will be carried out by Trust:
- General Health Camp.
- Dental Camp.
- Eye Camp.
- Sanitation Awareness.
- Waste Management.
- Yoga and Physical Exercises
- Slokas and Bhajans.
- Meditation Techniques.
- English-speaking classes.
- Sanskrit-speaking classes.
- Human values classes
- Tutorials in exam preparations.
- Group activities that teach contribution to the society.
During the planning stage, the Cluster Leads must take the responsibility of planning for the month. Planning will involve allocating required funds, identifying volunteering resources, inviting the specialist resources such as doctors, teachers and others that may be needed to conduct the event. In addition, if the events require to be published in media, then associated media personnel must be informed about the event. The donors and other special guest may be invited for the same. In case of special permission that need to be sought from local authorities, the same must be obtained.
Once the events are completed, the associated information will be tracked in the event calendar – it will capture participation, status and feedback. For events such as health camps, dental camps and eye camps, if any noticeable deficiencies can be identified in the beneficiaries, the same must be followed up with the individual (and their guardian) for future course of action.
Talents identified through learning camps must be encouraged to pursue higher levels of learning and if required can be supported by the Trust.
The following records will be maintained:
- Events Calendar
- Health Records of the Beneficiaries
- Follow-up on Action Items