Donor Management


This process explains which records of the donors will be maintained. The process adopts many mandatory procedures that must be carried out when a donor makes a contribution to the Trust.


Donors are the key to the success of the operations of the Trust. If the Trust is able to execute its commitments to the beneficiaries it is thanks to its donors’ timely and generous contributions.

A strict policy in line with the regulatory norms will be followed while enrolling donors. The Trust ensures that


The objective of the policy is to set the Do’s and Don’ts regarding from whom donations can and cannot be accepted. It also defines the acceptable modes of donation such as cheques, online transfer, cash, etc


The donors who want to make a contribution must be registered formally with the Trust. They will be registered either through the online application system or through manual registers.

The Donor Application System captures following details:

In case of manual enrolment, the donor information is captured as part of donor enrolment kit.


All donor information must be verified and approved. We call this process as “Know Your Donor”. Once the donor information is entered, an automatic mail is sent to the donor, the reviewer and approver. The Reviewer (from Annapoorna) provides relevant comments/observations about the donor after which it is passed on to the Approver (from Annapoorna). The Approver, in line with the policy framework, then decides to approve or reject the donor. The donor is active only after approval is successful. If the donor is rejected, this shall be communicated to the donor formally through emails or letters. The reason for rejection will be tracked in the donor application form.

Upon approval, an Donor ID is created. This Donor ID is unique and is used to identify the donor.


Following members of Annapoorna Trust are authorised to review/approve/reject the donors:

  1. Ms Padma Radhika Meruva
  2. Mr Jayaprakash Tallam


Donors can donate any amount through online transfers from their banks, credit/debit card by using the payment gateway linked with the application.

If they choose to send their contributions by cheque, the details of the cheque (IFSC Code, Cheque number, Date, Amount, etc.) will be captured in the system. The cheque can be sent to the Trust’s registered address via courier or post. Once the cheque is cleared, the information is linked to the said donor’s information.

In case of donations received through NEFT/RTGS/ IMPS, the donor will need to be identified and approved, after all the necessary KYC details have been sought. If the donor is already an approved donor, then the donor is provided with the receipt. In case of new Details of visits made to the donors will be captured in an excel sheet and discussed during the subsequent cluster lead meeting.

As a rule, cash donations greater than 3000 will not be accepted.

Donation of materials such as rice, pulses, biscuits, fruits etc. are accepted. The receipt for that would be only a receipt of confirmation of material and quantity received.


When money is transferred to the Trust through the payment gateway, the system shall automatically send a ‘Thank You’ letter to the Donor’s email address.

In case of payment received through NEFT/RTGS/ IMPS/Cheque, automatic receipt generation may not be possible. In such cases, the donor is provided with manually generated receipts and delivered via email or courier services. The receipt shall mention the 80G details of the Trust.


It is imperative for the Trust to maintain good relations with the existing donors. The volunteers, cluster leads and the trustees shall attempt to identify willing donors and convey the details of activities of the Trust.

Following are the activities that must be carried out by Annapoorna members:

Details of visits made to the donors will be captured in an excel sheet and discussed during the subsequent cluster lead meeting.


As part of the donor management process, the following records are maintained

  1. List of Donors
  2. Donors’ KYC
  3. Copy of Receipts
  4. Thank You’ letters
  5. Donor Terms and Conditions
  6. Donors’ Feedback
  7. Payment Records
  8. Donor Visit Details